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Please read the package insert and watch the video before continuing to the quiz.

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 I have watched the product training video

You must score an 80% to pass.

  • 1. Advantages of oral fluid testing include?

  • 2. Ten minutes prior to collection, it is important that the donor....

  • 3. How does the test administrator know that the specimen collection step is complete?

  • 4. Negative results may be read _________. Interpret remaining results as negative, presumptive positive or invalid at _____ minutes.

  • 5. Prior to testing, it is important that ________.

  • For questions 6 & 7, please refer to the following image

  • 6. According to the results shown in the image, this drug test panel indicates a negative result for___?

  • 7. According to the results in the image above, this drug test panel indicates a presumptive positive for___?

  • 8. Once the control line appears in the test region (C), any indication of a line (regardless of intensity) in the test region (T) should be considered a line and therefore a negative result.

  • 9. After the specimen is collected and the test activation phase begins, it is important that the test device is positioned upright on a flat surface until it is time to interpret results.

  • 10. Typically, donors will saturate the sponge within 2-4 minutes of collection. However, for some candidates it may be necessary for collection to exceed 4 minutes if they are experiencing dry mouth.

  • 11. To speed up collection, instruct the donor to chew gently on the sponge.

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© OraSure Technologies Inc., 2025