Select Product:

The Value of a Reliable and Trusted Brand

Only the pioneers of oral fluid technology could make a drug test this accurate, this easy

  • Oral Fluid Convenience

    Non-invasive collection process that can be administered quickly virtually anytime or anywhere.

  • Comprehensive Screen

    Enables accurate testing for drugs of abuse, including marijuana, cocaine, PCP, opiates, and amphetamines – including Ecstasy (All included on standard panel). Intercept can also be used to screen for Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines and Methadone. Your laboratory can set up drug combinations that work for your testing program.

  • Reduced Tampering

    Enables direct observation during collection process, which drastically reduces the opportunity for tampering and use of adulteration products.

  • Elimination of Gender Issues

    Offers non-invasive, oral fluid testing, which can be administered in any location, eliminating the need for private bathrooms and same-sex test administrators.

  • Laboratory Confidence

    Delivers proven laboratory reliability and accuracy comparable to urine testing.

Downloadable Information

Fast and Simple Collection Procedure

Please see package insert for complete instructions.

Step 1 - Swab
Swab for 2 to 5 minutes
Target 3 minutes
Step 2 - Snap
1. Insert pad in vial
2. Snap wand at scoring
Step 3 - Seal
1. Recap and apply seal
2. Send to laboratory

Micro Plate Assays

Product Calibrator/ Matrix ID Kit Quantities Available
Amphetamine Specific Serum EIA Serum 1103E 2-Plate Kit (192 tests)
5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
Amphetamine Specific Intercept® EIA Oral Fluid 1103I 5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Methamphetamine Serum EIA Serum 1104E 2-Plate Kit (192 tests)
5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
Methamphetamine Intercept® EIA Oral Fluid 1104I 5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Barbiturates Intercept® EIA Oral Fluid 1108I 2-Plate Kit (192 tests)
5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Benzodiazepines Intercept® EIA Oral Fluid 1110I 2-Plate Kit (192 tests)
5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Buprenorphine Serum EIA (Randox) Serum 1180E 5-Plate Kit (96 tests)
Cannabinoids (THC) Intercept® EIA Oral Fluid 1118I 2-Plate Kit (192 tests)
5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Carisoprodol Serum EIA (Randox) Serum 1173E 5-Plate Kit (96 tests)
Cocaine Metabolite Intercept® EIA Oral Fluid 1122I 2-Plate Kit (192 tests)
5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Cocaine Metabolite Orasure® EIA Oral Fluid 1103S 5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Cotinine Urine EIA Urine 1124U 5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
Cotinine Serum EIA Serum 1124E 2-Plate Kit (192 tests)
5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
Cotinine OraSure® EIA Oral Fluid 1124S 5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Fentanyl Serum EIA (Randox) Serum 1128E 5-Plate Kit (96 tests)
IgG Intercept® EIA Oral Fluid 1132I 5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
IgG OraSure® EIA Oral Fluid 1132S 5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Methadone Intercept® EIA Oral Fluid 1142I 2-PLate Kit (192 tests)
5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Opiates Serum EIA Serum 1150E 2-Plate Kit (192 tests)
5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
Opiates Intercept® EIA Oral Fluid 1150I 5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Oxycodone Serum EIA (Randox) Serum 1170E 5-Plate Kit (96 tests)
Phencyclidine (PCP) Intercept® EIA Oral Fluid 1154I 2-Plate Kit (192 tests)
5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
100-Plate Kit (9,600 tests)
Propoxyphene Serum EIA Serum 1158E 5-Plate Kit (480 tests)
Zolpidem Serum EIA (Randox) Serum 1172E 5-Plate Kit (96 tests)

Calibrators, Controls, and Miscellaneous Products

Product Matrix ID Volume
DOA Oral Fluid Cals/Controls - In Intercept kits and available separately (see Tech Bulletin MP-01-056):
Negative DOA Oral Fluid Calibrator Oral Fluid 60428 2mL
Negative DOA Oral Fluid Control Oral Fluid 61452 2mL
Cutoff DOA Oral Fluid Calibrator Oral Fluid 61454 2mL
Positive DOA Oral Fluid Control Oral Fluid 61456 2mL
DOA Serum Cals/Controls - In Serum DOA kits and available separately (see Tech Bulletin MP-01-055):
Negative Serum Calibrator Serum 60423 4mL
Negative Serum Control Serum 61417 2mL
Cutoff Serum Calibrator Serum 61418 2mL
Positive Serum Control Serum 61419 2mL
Cotinine Cals/Controls:
Negative Urine Calibrator Urine 60421 4mL
Cotinine Urine Standard - 50ng/mL Urine 60960 4mL
Cotinine Urine Standard - 500ng/mL Urine 60980 4mL
Cotinine Urine Standard - 5,000ng/mL Urine 61010 4mL
Cotinine Urine Standard - 300ng/mL Urine 3001-1861 100mL
Negative Serum Calibrator Serum 60423 4mL
Cotinine Serum Standard - 10ng/mL Serum 60900 4mL
Cotinine Serum Standard - 25ng/mL Serum 60910 4mL
Cotinine Serum Standard - 50ng/mL Serum 60920 4mL
Cotinine Serum Standard - 100ng/mL Serum 60922 4mL
Cotinine Serum Standard - 250ng/mL Serum 60927 4mL
Cotinine Serum Standard - 500ng/mL Serum 60930 4mL
IgG Cals/Controls - In Intercept kits and available separately:
Negative Oral Fluid Calibrator Oral Fluid 60429 20mL
IgG Standard - 0.25ug/mL Oral Fluid 61059 20mL
IgG Standard - 0.50ug/mL Oral Fluid 61060 20mL
IgG Standard - 2.0ug/mL Oral Fluid 61061 20mL
IgG Standard - 4.0ug/mL Oral Fluid 61062 20mL
© OraSure Technologies Inc., 2025