Throughout the month of May, we're shining a spotlight on Hepatitis C (HCV) to raise awareness, educate communities, and encourage action towards prevention, testing, and treatment. Hepatitis C is a silent epidemic affecting millions worldwide. Despite being a highly curable disease, many people remain undiagnosed, leading to severe health complications. Did you know that 4 in 10 Americans are unaware of their HCV infection?
Explore our resources and find out how rapid testing can help given that OraSure offers the only CLIA-waived rapid Hepatitis C test available in the US today. Take the first step towards a healthier tomorrow! If you are interested in case studies, webinars and other industry perspective, please visit IDX Insights.
There is a significant correlation between HCV and HIV and some with syphilis, particularly among individuals who inject drugs or engage in high-risk sexual behavior. For every 100 people with HIV, approximately 21 of them also have HCV. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). OraSure is proud to offer a complete portfolio for infectious disease diagnostic testing with the OraQuick AdvanceĀ® Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Tests and Diagnostics Direct™Syphilis Health Check test.
Interested in learning more about our rapid testing solutions for HCV, HIV, and/or Syphilis?
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2. This assay has not been FDA approved for use in patient populations without signs, symptoms, or not at risk for Hepatitis C infection.
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